Friday, April 13, 2012

A banana bread and messy hair kind of morning

I love quiet mornings. The kind where I'm not pressing snooze every 10 minutes, the kind where I'm not running 5 minutes late, the kind that doesn't end in complete chaos and me most likely forgetting something. I love mornings like this morning. I love waking up to sweet sound of my (almost) 18 month old playing in his crib. I love even more that he woke a little earlier than usual giving us a extra time to just wake up together. But most of all I loved sitting with him without the sound of the TV as background noise, no dog begging for handouts and schedule telling me to "hurry!".
This morning, we sat, we prayed, we ate banana bread, we giggled, we sang songs, I enjoyed my coffee, Cayden chugged his milk. We actually heard all the noises of the morning like the birds on the fence, the garbage truck out front, the neighbor's garage opening, the kids walking to school... and the stillness of the house. It felt good to just "be" sit and enjoy the look of Cayden's morning hair, the taste of my coffee and the quietness of our home.
They don't happen very often... But when they do, it's a pleasant surprise.

Monday, August 29, 2011


Time is honestly flying by!  I was certain it had only been a few days since my last post, but it has been over a week!  Life has been hectic lately.  Filled with all kinds of things from play dates to family time.  I have been getting tons of photography jobs, and been a little busy with my new adventure as a Thirty-One consultant.  Today is play date day at my house, so I can't stay long just wanted to pop in and post a little somethin' before I forgot my password to Blogger!

I saw this on Pinterest today and it made me laugh, because this describes me to a T! I adore surprises, or at least I think I do... until I am surprised.  Then I feel unprepared and not ready for the "surprise".   I actually didn't realize this about myself until the other day when my husband told me that on September 22nd we would be going on a date and all I needed to know was to be ready at 6 sharp.  Then 1000 questions and concerns flooded my brain.  Who is watching Cayden?  What should I wear?  Do I need to cook dinner, or are we going out?  What time will we be done?  What is he wearing?  Should I pack Cayden an over night bag- or just a few items for an evening?  Are other people going?  You get the point.
I can't help it.  I am a planner, with a touch of OCD.  I think becoming a mom has made this even more extreme.   I wish I could be carefree and just go with the flow sometimes... but that's not me.  I like to have a plan.  I like to be prepared.  I think it's amazing when you have these "epiphanies" about yourself.  For all these years I thought I loved being surprised... but the truth is I am too much of a control freak to enjoy being whisked away for a romantic evening.  So when people ask me if I like being surprised... I suppose my answer will now be "yes, as long as they are carefully planned..."

Hope everyone is having an awesome Monday! 

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Summertime and the livin' is easy easy...

Although in Florida summer is here 9 months out of the year, the sale of school supplies and crazy-ness of the mall is definitely the sign that summer is coming to an end.   Which makes me a little sad.   I don't even have a school age child, so nothing about our life really changes, but there is something about all the kids being out of school and it officially being "SUMMER" that makes me feel relaxed.  Like it's "summertime and the livin' is easy" is our official soundtrack these days.   
So to celebrate the nearing end of summer, we are going to play in the sandbox, bust out the kiddie pool, and be refreshed by some delicious popsicles today! Of course... we will probably be doing this exact same thing in November.

Happy Summer, friends! 

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What I love Wednesday!

YAY! It's Wednesday! Check out a few of things that I am absolutely LOVING this week! 

Ladies and Magenta-men nail polish by OPI! On Sunday I snuck away to this little nail salon by my house while the boys took a nap!  It was one of those days that I was feeling kinda blah, so I thought maybe a burst of color would do the trick.  It totally did!  I sat there and read my book {The Help} while  sweet little Cindy painted my toes and fingers this amazing fun color! 

With Cayden in swim lessons every morning at 9am, we have to be out of the house by 8:20 to get there! This leave no time to sit and enjoy a hot cup of coffee {or 5}. Plus it's like 100 degrees outside by 8am so I have not been into my usual cup of joe from my Kuerig.  Instead I have invested in these delicious packets from heaven, Starbucks VIA Carmel Iced Coffee.  Seriously, they are the PERFECT jump start I need while fighting morning traffic to swim lessons! 

 Okay, we all have them {or at least I hope so that I don't embarrass myself with this one...} cheesy, mindless TV shows that we are addicted to.  Seriously the first two come on ABC Family and are made for pre-teens/teenagers {although I would NEVER allow my teen to watch them} I am addicted.  They require no thinking, and I can completely zone out.  They are all on my DVR and perfect for the late nights that I can't sleep, or I am trying to stay awake to see my hubby at 2am.  Am I the ONLY one who watches these?  I hope not...

On Tuesday a few of my stay at home mom friends from church met up at Broadway Gymnastics for an open gym play date! Oh what fun! It was only 5 bucks and it wore Cayden out! We went right after swim lessons so by the time I got him strapped in his car-seat to head home he was passed out!  If you live in the Oviedo area, I definitely recommend this.  They will be having open gym for preschoolers (and younger) every Thursday from 9:30-11:30 for 5.00 a child! So fun! :)

There are plenty more things that I am loving this week... but I'll end it here.  What are you loving this week?  I'd love to hear! I am always looking for new things to try and LOVE myself!

Have a great day, ya'll! 

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I heart faces: Beautiful eyes

How could NOT enter my little boy and his big brown eyes?!  Those eyes are sure to win!  Right?!!

Check out to see more beautiful eyes!
click me! 

Friday, August 12, 2011

Pizza+Pool=Perfect Friday Evening


This makes me smile and is truer than true :)  

I am loving today! After swim lessons we made a trip to Michaels to hunt for some supplies for Cayden's Pirate Birthday party.  I am making my own invitations and decor.  I must admit I am pretty excited about this!  I can't wait to get going!  I know he won't remember anything about this birthday... but I know it is one that Jeff and I will never forget.  How could we not go all out? I will definitely be posting more about this totally awesome Pirate Birthday more! 

Cayden's Mimi and Pops are out of town this weekend, so we are thinking we may head over and swim!  This is Jeff's last day of his amazing day-shift schedule, then it's back to working midnights.  So I think we should end this week with some fun family time!   What could be better than pizza and the pool?   

Well, TGIF everyone! Cayden is finally down for a nap... and I am hoping to get all the dishes and laundry done before he wakes.  Maybe even sneak in a chapter or tow of my book! {The Help}

Have a wonderful Friday, ya'll! 

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

If I had a million dollars

I need to go shopping...

and I am loving outfits like this...

I also want to buy Cayden this...

Now, if only I had one of these...

or may just a million dollars.

Today was a great day.   It was very rainy all day, but I was able to get so much done!  I love days that I go to bed feeling productive.  I still have things left on my "to-do" list... but at least I made a dent! :)  Besides, I can't be too productive, because then I wouldn't have any time left for me and Cayden to play ball, or do silly dances, or play peek-a-boo or read all the books in his book crate! So although I am so glad I was productive today, I am even more happy for the time I spent playing with Cayden inside on this yucky, rainy day.

Goodnight Friends, 
