Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What I love Wednesday!

YAY! It's Wednesday! Check out a few of things that I am absolutely LOVING this week! 

Ladies and Magenta-men nail polish by OPI! On Sunday I snuck away to this little nail salon by my house while the boys took a nap!  It was one of those days that I was feeling kinda blah, so I thought maybe a burst of color would do the trick.  It totally did!  I sat there and read my book {The Help} while  sweet little Cindy painted my toes and fingers this amazing fun color! 

With Cayden in swim lessons every morning at 9am, we have to be out of the house by 8:20 to get there! This leave no time to sit and enjoy a hot cup of coffee {or 5}. Plus it's like 100 degrees outside by 8am so I have not been into my usual cup of joe from my Kuerig.  Instead I have invested in these delicious packets from heaven, Starbucks VIA Carmel Iced Coffee.  Seriously, they are the PERFECT jump start I need while fighting morning traffic to swim lessons! 

 Okay, we all have them {or at least I hope so that I don't embarrass myself with this one...} cheesy, mindless TV shows that we are addicted to.  Seriously the first two come on ABC Family and are made for pre-teens/teenagers {although I would NEVER allow my teen to watch them} I am addicted.  They require no thinking, and I can completely zone out.  They are all on my DVR and perfect for the late nights that I can't sleep, or I am trying to stay awake to see my hubby at 2am.  Am I the ONLY one who watches these?  I hope not...

On Tuesday a few of my stay at home mom friends from church met up at Broadway Gymnastics for an open gym play date! Oh what fun! It was only 5 bucks and it wore Cayden out! We went right after swim lessons so by the time I got him strapped in his car-seat to head home he was passed out!  If you live in the Oviedo area, I definitely recommend this.  They will be having open gym for preschoolers (and younger) every Thursday from 9:30-11:30 for 5.00 a child! So fun! :)

There are plenty more things that I am loving this week... but I'll end it here.  What are you loving this week?  I'd love to hear! I am always looking for new things to try and LOVE myself!

Have a great day, ya'll! 


  1. Thanks for visiting! I am your newest follower! OH and by the way... i love cheesy mindless show. pretty little liars rocks my world. who is A???? and can aria be any cuter with what she wears. oh and i love the bachelor pad too. you should try the new show the lying game. the pilot game on this week. its pretty good :) glad to know im not alone in my show addictions bc tivo has created a monster. your little boy is super adorable too!

  2. Yay!! My husband thinks i'm weird because every Tuesday I run upstairs and sit on our bed and watch Pretty Little Liars! I don't think Jason is A... but maybe Garret? Of course that would be too obvious. What about that one episode where Spencer's dad was acting all nutty? It made me think he has SOMETHING to do with all it? I love Aria and Hannah:) They are my favorite and the best dressed for sure! And i may or may not have a secret crush on Mr. Fitz. :) SO glad to have a follower with such great TV taste! :) Thanks for joining!
